We all are challenged by
corporate and business pressures of high-stress, high-impact positions. It can take a high toll to keep
multiple balls in the air while new ones come at you from surprising
angles and each one coming faster and faster. So how can we ease the
stress load? How can we remain easy while being ever busy?
Many leaders talk about work/life
integration but most of us agree that there is no fixed boundary between
work life and personal life. We take work home and at work we have to
schedule doctor's appointments etc. What is the metric, which can tell
me if work/life integration is working out well for me? We can't afford
a nervous breakdown or falling into depression. Data is showing how
more and more people are taking anti-depressants.
There is a way to strike a balance
but it has to do with our internal "ecology", namely, how we process the
mountains of demands placed on us. It has to do with recognizing what
we're really responsible for and what we're not responsible for.
We treat ourselves as machines by
not giving ourselves time and space to be creative. We are human beings,
not human doings! There are few simple tools and tips, which can be
very helpful to remain cool, calm and collected. These tips can make you
more effective and efficient in your professional and personal life.
Listen to me and experiment what works for you. Experience it and then embrace it to take the full benefits!